Joining & Supporting Rooted Realms
We are currently working on developing our summer Enchanted Forest Performance for the Mutton and Mead Medieval Festival in Montague, MA and are actively seeking dancers, musicians, acrobats, stilt walkers, puppeteers and other performers to play tree sprites, water nymphs, faeries, pixies, brownies as well as other creatures of the imagination. We will be casting several core characters, but also welcome participants and groups interested in developing their own characters or enchanted groups (i.e. a band of fire spirtes). We are in a position to provide costuming, or work with participants who are interested in building their own costumes to ensure desired results are achieved. We will be providing direction and guidance specific to each character, on how to relate, engage and interact with audience members as well as how to perceive their character and others within the mythos of the production. Time commitment will vary dependant on the complexity on that character’s involvement. We will schedule several gatherings, rehearsals and fittings in order to create a comfortable ensemble, rehearse, go over logistics and, well because it will be fun!
Enhancing our performance space with elements that characters can utilize while performing is an important part of our production. For those interested, we also work on developing and integrating "character habitats" and other forest-scapes for our performance space (the woods & path). We also develop mumerous interactive stations for troupe characters and to facilitate audience participation. Interested Artists, Fabricators, Set and Scene designers or people with relevant experience should contact us.
For more information (i.e. Production Concepts, Vision, Mythos & Levels of Commitment) please contact us.